Transform inside out: the challenge of releasing the potential of the individual to collective causes.

Under new perspectives, we show that we can all be protagonists of our own stories. Focusing on exponential community development through empowering leaders, we offer education and structure to transform realities and take care of the collective.

With less than $2 a day, your donation helps young people and adults to unlock their potential and purpose.


With less than R$ 6 a day, your donation brings the self-responsibility that was lacking for the actions to take place.


With less than R$ 12 a day, your donation turns the impossible into possible in a short amount of time.
With less than $ 3 per day, your donation strengthens the sense of unity and belonging in the communities.

It´s our values that bring us together and create new directions, new stories, new realities…
~ Anderson Agostinho (buiu)
Buiu, who is completing 9 years in the project, says that the greatest impact of Instituto Elos is the local transformation: "The openness we give to those who participate in being here and doing things is what can potentiate their ideas and dreams. It is very difficult to root something strong for their future here in this community, but now they already understand that this space works for them to have big and concrete ideas."
"GSA Project taught me that we are all part of the humanity. To live together, we have to do the daily exercise of disarming ourselves, disarming intolerance, impatience and be able to see other points of view. It helps me a lot to think that we are here, in this life, dancing together, always finding new rhythms. Today I am a better person, more human", says the teacher.
~ simone batista
~ Emygdio Carvalho
"The GSA echoes in my heart and in my actions until today, 5 years later. In short I tell you: GSA will not change you, but it will reveal who you are, and expand your best version. I feel honored because I've lived this transmutation with many people from many countries and I could count on the (literal) support of the Elos team, that knows how to balance autonomy with care. If you dive deep into the methodology and trust, you will enter in a beautiful journey, perhaps the most beautiful in years."
"If you know a little bit about my history, you know how remarkable this program was for me! It opened up a world of possibilities that go far beyond my professional performance, when I discovered the possibility of living with one purpose and another way of seeing and living the world."
Inspiring changes, generating impact and transformation of realities based on love and affection.
Impacted Communities
Trained Multiplicators
We live in a society where people are anesthetized by living in scarcity and hopelessness.

We, from Elos, help people to recognize their own potential and to strengthen their communities.
Depression will be the most disabling mental illness on the planet by 2020 and Brazil is already the country with the worst rates in Latin America. Added to this, in the peripheries, people live at risk with lack of public attention, suffering with constant exclusion, which aggravates the professionalization of violence and crime.
Overcome skepticism and expand limits. To go from individualism to collectivism. Take full responsibility for actions with your heart, mind and body. Join people to do incredible things, creating coexistence and bonding.
Make your donation so we can have more teams for a longer term, reducing conflicts and violence in the communities.
We believe in community power, affection, and union. Join us and show that you believe in the strength of what we do!

When people come together, everything gains strength: the challenges seem smaller and the difficulties are not obstacles. To be an ambassador is about demonstrate that we are not alone in this cause and build dreams in common, collectively and turn desperation into protagonism.
In addition to cash donations, there are also other ways to contribute to the continuity of our social transformation projects.
Corporate donations
legado & endowment
be a
Your business can impact and transform the reality of thousands of persons!
Donate exclusive resources to Elos and contribute to our projects!
A small gesture of love and empathy that can help to change the world!
We connect people, communities, governments and businesses together to learn how to make the world a better place for everyone.

made by
Rua Marechal Hermes, 37
Boqueirão, Santos – SP

+55 13 3326-4478